MMH Is Now a Milk Depot for Mothers to Donate Breastmilk
Midland Memorial Hospital, in partnership with Mothers' Milk Bank of North Texas, is now a milk depot for mothers wanting to donate breast milk.
Operating much like a blood bank, Mothers' Milk Bank of North Texas (MMBNT) collects breast milk from healthy, nursing mothers who have a surplus. Every donor is screened through a short phone interview, medical questionnaire and blood testing.
Once a mother drops off milk at MMH, it is securely stored and transported to Fort Worth for testing, pasteurization, and distribution throughout Texas and other states. 80% of donor breast milk is dispensed to hospitalized babies, most commonly NICU preemies weighing less than 3.5 pounds who are not able to take formula and can only thrive on breast milk.
Mothers who are interested in donating must visit texasmilkbank.org or call (817) 810-0071 to complete preliminary questions. They will then be contacted by MMBNT to complete a medical history questionnaire, phone interview and free blood draw.
Approved donors can drop-off milk Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the 4th Floor, accessible from the elevators located in the Front Lobby. After hours donations can be arranged by calling (432) 221-2160.